Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Creation Part 1

Read Genesis 1:1-2
Today, in sunny California, on January 12, 2010, it is a estimated 65 degrees in my house and that is chilly. I was thinking about the seasons and how here we don't have much of a seasonal change so I am so jealous of the people in the east; however, I was reminded this morning to look outside. When I was reminded of this, I didn't know why because it is cold and everything is dead from the winters frost. I looked outside and to my surprise I found the beauty that God has blessed us with during the winter. This brought a few questions to my mind. Why would a God make this world for me? for my enjoyment? He could of made it different and ugly but he didn't. He filled the planet with His beauty for us to enjoy and to fulfill His purpose in our lives.
Think of it like this. When you have been dating someone for awhile you want them to live in a great beautiful place. You want them to have everything they could every desire. Our God gives us flowers all the time in every season. When was the last time you looked around and enjoyed the gift the God has given you? When was the last time you thanked him for blessing you daily for the work that he puts in daily for you to have a place you enjoy to be in? God gives us places like Silver Falls, OR which is a state park but has beautiful views such as this one at the top of the page. What a sight!
In Genesis 1, is the story of how God created the world with His great power. In verses 1- 2, the world was without form, empty, and in darkness. Wait, wait,wait a sec. So, God made this for me and he made is from nothing something that was nothing into something that was so beautiful as the world around me! Yes, He did that all for you and He didnt just think it up someday he knew you were going to be here on earth and he knows what great things that you are going to do.
However, think about these two verses this way. I dont know if you know Christ and our reading this and if you dont please email me at GrandpasJoey@hotmail.com and I would love to chat with you. For those who do know Christ, before we knew him; we were formless, empty and in darkness. Even though we were and we excepted Christ then that must mean that we are being made into something as beautiful as the world is. Just ponder that for a second. God is going to work on you to make you as beautiful as a waterfall in a rainforst or the grand canyon. Wow! What a great God!
Try to spend sometime today just thanking God for His work here on earth and in our own life. Also, take a look around and enjoy the gift God has given us!

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