Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year.... A New Plan

A new year has started and I am so excited that I get to start this blog as well. I want to talk to all of you about your plans that you make in the first few weeks of the year. I don't know how many of you have made new year resolutions. Maybe some of you are going to give up something, make sure you do all your homework assignments, go to church every weekend no matter what is going on in your life or many different other things that you may come up with. What ever it is that you have chosen to do I pray for you that you will follow through on what ever it is. Even though, here we are going back to our daily routines because the holidays are over. (I am very sad about that.) However, there is one thing I am excited about is that we, as believers, get to have a new year to make a difference in our world for His Kingdom for another year. Isn't that great?
1 Peter 2:9 says, " But you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light." Man, I love that verse. We are his chosen people. That is one great thought to think about. The definition from of chosen is desire so lets take out chosen and put that desire in the verse. "but you are desired people"God, the creator of everything, picked me and you to be His desire. What an honor! God desires to be with you everywhere you are. You are that special to Him.
This part gets me, the last part, so we can give praises to God because of what he has done for us. Wow! Have you ever been excited about some so much you couldn't not stop talking about it. I think that is what God wants us to be for him. That we have to tell everyone about the great things that God has been doing in our lives even when it isn't good.. we should still praise Him. Without thinking about it, when you talk about what God is doing in your life you are making a difference in someones life. Maybe not the person you are talking to but the person who might be overhearing your conversation or you are giving hope to the person you are talking to. You don't know how God might use you but he will in many different ways.
So I have two questions for you...One, When was the last time you gave thanks to God about taking you out of the darkness? Two, Why don't you talk about the good things that God is doing in your life?

* Please pray for the year ahead and thank him for making you His desire. Just give this year to Him.*

Challenge Questions:
What this year are you going to do for God? Give him more time in study, more time in prayer so that he can talk to you in the gentle whispers of His voice. How about giving your life to Him without holding anything back? Please join me as I have given all of me to God and is letting him have control of my life no matter where God takes me. Will you at least pray about what you should do this year for God?

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